2025 Race Series Q&A
Can you sign up for all 4 races at once or do you have to sign up for each one individually?
At this time, you have to sign up for each race individually.
Do you have to be present at all 4 races to receive a jacket?
No, you simply have to sign up for all 4 races.
Is there a virtual option?
Yes! On the registration page for each race, a virtual option is now included!
Can you get the jacket if you sign up for the 1-Mile Fun Runs?
No, you will receive the jacket if you sign up for all 4 5k races (or 5k virtual races).
Are refunds available if you register, but are later unable to run the race?
No, the funds go directly to our annual campaign which helps the YMCA provide membership and program financial assistance to those that qualify.
If I sign up for all 4 races when will I get my jacket?
We’ll place an on order in mid January of 2025 for those who initially sign up for all 4 races. We’ll also place an order following the Pumpkin Run in October, the last race in the series for those who have signed up for each race individually throughout the year.
Where can I choose my jacket size?
When you register for a race, the t-shirt size you note on the Strictly Running page is the size jacket we’ll order for you. If you want a size other than your t-shirt size, please email Lisa McGee at lisamcgee@columbiaymca.org
Where will I pick up my jacket?
We’ll email you asking which YMCA of Columbia location you want to pick up your jacket at. You’ll be able to choose between Downtown, Northwest, Ballentine, Jeep Rogers, and Orangeburg locations.
When can I pick up my jacket?
We’ll email you again when the order has come in!
Any other questions?
Email Lisa at lisamcgee@columbiaymca.org