
Support Refugees in Columbia Through The YMCA

June 10, 2022|Categories: Blog, Downtown YMCA, News|

The YMCA of Columbia is excited to be supporting families in the Midlands by hosting Afghan refugee students in our Summer Camps. Most of these students fled Afghanistan less than a year ago. Many of these families provided aid to the U.S. military in Afghanistan. They have had to acclimate to our language and culture overnight. We want to aid them in doing just that!

YMCA Summer Camps enrich refugee students through continued English language exposure and social skill development. These tools help them succeed when they return to the classroom in the Fall. Additionally, children grow in confidence, teamwork ability, […]

Sponsor a Lifeguard – Help Orangeburg Build the Next Generation of Community Leaders

June 8, 2022|Categories: Blog, News, Orangeburg County YMCA:|

Help us build the next generation of leaders in Orangeburg County.

Our goal at the Orangeburg County YMCA is to train, certify and hire 50 new lifeguards and swim instructors this Fall. Please don’t let cost be a barrier to those willing to serve our community. A pledge of $225 will cover the cost of our Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Course. 

 Visit the Member Services Desk at the Orangeburg County YMCA or click the button below to make an online donation.

[su_button url=”https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Foperations.daxko.com%2Fonline%2F2162%2FOnlineGiving%2FDonation.mvc%3Fcampaign_id%3D16667&data=05%7C01%7Clisamcgee%40columbiaymca.org%7Ceafacab8142640c0d38708da497d37b8%7C35de4ec19baf4f1aac5275ac1dce86ab%7C0%7C0%7C637903099973172829%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=%2B6ofzCJo3xt5cXE01xpdWDsNEQlkw1AGgzSuxc2PqXg%3D&reserved=0″ target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#0060af” size=”6″ radius=”5″ text_shadow=”1px 0px […]

YMCA Youth Volleyball

June 6, 2022|Categories: Ballentine Family YMCA, Blog, Event, Featured Home Button, Home Program, Home Slide, Jeep Rogers Family YMCA, News, NorthWest Family YMCA|

The YMCA of Columbia Youth Volleyball League is designed to teach basic skills in a fun and safe environment! Participants will have practice once a week with games starting on Saturday, Aug. 26. All players must provide their own knee pads. The Y will supply a game shirt.


LOCATION: Jeep Rogers Family YMCA (Lake Carolina)

Registration Opens for YMCA Members: June 5
Registration Opens for Non-Members: June 19
Regular Registration Ends: July 30
Late Registration Ends: Aug. 6
Practice Starts: Aug. 14
First Game: Aug. 26
Last Game: Oct. 21
Teams will practice once a week and games will […]

Mobile Mammography at the NorthWest Y!

June 6, 2022|Categories: Ballentine Family YMCA, Blog, News, NorthWest Family YMCA, Uncategorized|

Early detection just got more convenient!

The self regional mobile mammography van will be at the NorthWet Family YMCA on Wednesday, June 22.

Early detection is key to treatment of Breast Cancer.
Now, patients 40 years old + can gain peace of mind in a convenient location at the
NorthWest Family YMCA!
[su_divider top=”no” size=”1″ margin=”25″]
Appointment times available 9am – 2pm, every 15 minutes.
Call or text 803-542-1543 to make an appointment.
[su_spacer […]

NorthWest YMCA Volleyball Clinic – July 18-21

May 20, 2022|Categories: Ballentine Family YMCA, Blog, Event, News, NorthWest Family YMCA|

The NorthWest Family YMCA is partnering with Allen University Women’s Volleyball team to offer a youth clinic July 18-21. The clinic is designed to teach the basic skills of volleyball in a fun and safe environment.  The clinic will be 1-hour sessions held every evening on Monday thru Thursday.  

  • Ages 8-10 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm
  • Ages 11-13 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm
  • Ages 14-17 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm

FEE:  $60 Member; $80 Nonmember

NBC’s TODAY Show Spotlights the Importance of Safety Around Water at the Jeep Rogers Family YMCA

May 17, 2022|Categories: Blog, Featured Home Button, Home Program, Home Slide, Jeep Rogers Family YMCA, News|

COLUMBIA, SC – The TODAY Show visited the Jeep Rogers Family YMCA in April to spotlight the importance of water safety and learning to swim.  The story featured an interview with NBC’s TODAY Show Anchor Craig Melvin and his brother Ryan (age 36), who is taking swim lessons at the Jeep Rogers Y.

It also included information about the Y’s Safety Around Water (SAW) program, which teaches 2nd graders at Richland Two Schools basic lessons on safety while in and around water.

Two segments aired on the TODAY show on Tuesday, May 17.

Important Notice: Due to inclement weather, we will close early today, January 10th, at 6:00 PM. We will have a delayed opening on Saturday, January 11th, at 10:00 AM.
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