
Prisma Health Employee Discount Program

May 11, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Prisma Health team members can take advantage of the YMCA’s special rates offered through a payroll deduction option. You can enjoy all of the benefits of a Y membership for as low as $15.60 per pay period. AND, the join fee of $50 is waived for all Prisma Health employees. 


  • $16.10– Individual membership to Downtown YMCA access and the Express Y location
  • $25.20– Individual membership to all FIVE Midlands locations and the Express Y location
  • $36.90 – Family membership* to all FIVE Midlands locations and the Express Y location**

NO contract required.  […]

WellFest 2022: Start Your Path of Healthy Living!

May 6, 2022|Categories: Home Slide, News, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

Join Prisma Health for WellFest 2022, and Start Your Path of Healthy Living!

Prisma Health invites you to join us for WellFest 2022.  WellFest is a FREE virtual health and wellness event designed to help YOU take control of your personal health and wellness.

Live event: Friday, May 20 at 9 a.m.

All sessions and new content streaming: Saturday, May 21

Physicians and motivational experts will inspire you, answer your questions, and interact with you. You will discover your own personal path to a healthy life. Participants will also enjoy other interactive components, live chat, a virtual exhibitor fair, and cooking demonstrations.

Prisma Health is […]

Welcome Mackenzie Shannon!

May 2, 2022|Categories: Blog, Home Slide, Jeep Rogers Family YMCA, News, NorthWest Family YMCA, Uncategorized|

We would like to officially welcome Coach Mackenzie Shannon into a new role with the Columbia YMCA! Mackenzie has already been a part of the Jeep Rogers Y and swim team coaching; her roles will now expand as our Assistant Swim Team Director!  Please take a minute to read a greeting from Coach Mackenzie and get to know her a little better.

Hello Mudcats Family,
I am so excited to be joining the Mudcats team full time! This season, I have had the pleasure of coaching the Bronze group and helping with the other groups as needed. Additionally, I coach the Soda […]

FREE Community Vaccination Clinics at the Orangeburg County YMCA

January 25, 2022|Categories: Blog, Event, Featured Home Button, Home Program, Home Slide, News, Orangeburg County YMCA:, Uncategorized|

The Orangeburg County YMCA will host vaccination clinics on Thursday, February 3, 10, 17, and 24 from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in conjunction with Family Health Centers, Inc. 

*Closed 1-2 pm for lunch. 



Family Health Centers, Inc is offering the Moderna Vaccine and Booster Shot. 

If you are receiving your first dose, please bring a photo ID. If you are receiving your second dose, remember to bring your COVID-19 vaccination record card. 

Booster shots are […]

Swim Instructor Patrick Weekley Teaches Over 500 Private Swim Lessons in 3 Months!

November 8, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Swim Instructor and Lifeguard
Jeep Rogers Family YMCA


YMCA Swim Instructor Patrick Weekley just turned 21 this month and has already made a bigger impact on the lives of kids than most people will in an entire lifetime!

While his peers were enjoying summer vacations, Patrick taught over 500 private swim lessons from June to August of this year.  Wow! On top of those 500 private lessons, he also taught group swim lessons to the 200 children in our Summer Camp.

[su_quote]“As the saying goes, the earth is 70% water and kids are 100% curious,” […]

Soccer Schedules

September 20, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Soccer Schedules

Travel Play

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Owens Field

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Jeep Rogers Family YMCA

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NorthWest Family YMCA  […]

Important Notice: Due to inclement weather, we will close early today, January 10th, at 6:00 PM. We will have a delayed opening on Saturday, January 11th, at 10:00 AM.
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